10th anniversary  23rd-24th November, 2024 Kampala – Uganda, Africa.


2016 Eastern Uganda Eliminations.

Break-Fast Jam 2016 Eastern Uganda Eliminations presented by FreshLane sponsored by Breakdance Project Uganda(BPU), US embassy Kampala, Gagawala Graphics, Smart FM, Infinite records, FreshLane.. Saturday

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2015 finals Day 2,

Photos by: Kibuuka Mukisa Oscar (Kibuuka photography) and Kibazzi Pius (Kibazzi photography)   Check more photos on: https://web.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.1095916567092848.1073741857.520909947926849&type=3

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2015 Kenya Eliminations Review.

Photos by: Kibazzi Pius (Kibazzi photography). MORE INFO: www.break-fastjam.com presented by FreshLane Be sure to follow us on social media; TWITTER: @breakfastjam1 | INSTAGRAM: @break-fastjam1

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